Millets Farm Fly Fishing Club comprises of two mature lakes, totalling approximately 4 acres. Both are stocked frequently with rainbow and blue trout from 2lb to double figures plus Brown / Tiger & Golden trout to 5lb.
The well equipped fishing lodge with cooking and hot drink making facilities, is also accessible to disabled members with easy access to the lakes.
Within this membership you can attain free tuition and your subscription allows you to fish for as long as you like, as often as you like, within daylight hours. Members are also permitted to invite guests to fish on the lakes for up to 4 full days or 8 half days per season.
Our season starts 1st of March to the last week in February with a small break for Christmas. Friendly club events take place during the season and include competitions, BBQ’s and visits to other fly fishing waters.
There is ample parking available adjacent to both lakes for easy access.
For further information on the Millets Farm Fly Fishing Club and how to apply for membership please email ericevans625@gmail.com or call Eric on 07872 384843.